Looking for ideas on what to do with your leftover turkey this year? Well, look no further! This Turkey Pot Pie & Stuffing Crust is here to save the day - and the leftovers! The filling for this pot pie starts off with some of the usual suspects; cooked turkey, onion, celery, and more veg! I used some frozen veggies since I don’t yet have Thanksgiving leftovers, but fresh could work too if you' do have leftovers from the big meal of the year.
Season this entire thing through and you’re golden. This whole thing is topped off with a stuffing crust. Okay - it’s not stuffing, it would technically be dressing since it’s not being stuffed into anything here. Anyway! This too you’ll want to be sure is properly season, and you’ll want to do it BEFORE you put the raw egg in it. With a quick bake in the oven, that’s all there is to this Turkey Pot Pie & Stuffing Crust!…
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